I have made it through the insulin fest called Thanksgiving. I went to South Carolina to celebrate with family. I got the idea of doing a T-day 5K and tossed the idea out to everyone. I actually figured I would be doing it alone but we ended up with a team! Mom, Aunt N, Aunt A and Uncle J joined me. Getting them organized proved to be a touch difficult... the way reforming health care or herding cats can be a touch difficult. But we got there, all made it to the start and all made it to the finish. I have never done a 5K with my mother and a year ago, when she had her second hip replacement, it seemed totally inconceivable (GO MOM!!).
Surviving the meal was an adventure since I have recently adopted a gluten-free diet. (I resisted for years but the GI issues ultimately became very persuasive.) I ate more salad than anything else and completely skipped the stuffing, green bean casserole and ALL PIE. There was a moment of weakness when a few squares of Ghiradelli chocolate went down as quickly as my bank balance at Christmas time! I also managed to complete every scheduled workout, including a brick in 44 degree weather and a long ride in 37 degree weather. Yay!!
On Monday, I headed home and then the need for a confessional arose. I stopped to pick up a book on tape since lately the prospect of long drives has been driving me nearly out of my mind. I found the perfect antidote for the impending psychotic break and headed for the register. That is where the trouble started.
Do you know what happens after Thanksgiving? The retail stores try to put you in a festive mood. Lights, decorations, cheesy music.... and white chocolate peppermint bark. I didn't even have the car started when the first half of the bar went the way of a lawyer in T-Rex's gullet. I was through the rest in, oh, maybe 45 mins. I will need to avoid retail establishments in December for the rest of my natural life or risk peppermint induced diabetes. Henceforth, all my loved ones will be receiving mail-order sausage and jelly baskets that they will regift the moment I look away. I am okay with that. Feliz Navidad!
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