Saturday, December 17, 2011


On my run today I noticed a big grassy hill and decided to run up it a few of times.  I may be under instructions to go slow, but he never said it couldn't be vertical!  After two loops, I had a sharp pain in my upper thigh.  Apparently, the hip flexor or one of it's buddies took exception to my little Heartbreak Hill.

I need to get it through my head that while I may have some fitness right now, my running muscles have been on a beach with a fruity drink since the summer.  I spoke to DW and he suggested an easy 30 min spin to keep it loose.  That helped, as does staying in motion.  Every time I sit still for a few minutes, it stiffens up.

I don't think it's serious but I might be living like a shark for a while.  You know, move... or die.  Still, I like sharks and I can think of worse animals to emulate.

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